Brian VanDeMark


6 Books: Newest to Oldest

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Kent State: An American Tragedy

1.Kent State

An American Tragedy

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Road To Disaster: A New History Of America’s Descent Into Vietnam

2.Road To Disaster

A New History Of America’s Descent Into Vietnam

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American Sheikhs: Two Families, Four Generations, and the Story of America's Influence in the Middle East

3.American Sheikhs

Two Families, Four Generations, and the Story of America's Influence in the Middle East

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Pandora's Keepers: Nine Men and the Atomic Bomb

4.Pandora's Keepers

Nine Men and the Atomic Bomb

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In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam

5.In Retrospect

The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam

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Into the Quagmire: Lyndon Johnson and the Escalation of the Vietnam War

6.Into the Quagmire

Lyndon Johnson and the Escalation of the Vietnam War

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