In a perilous journey across a landscape of beauty and terror, an unassuming but quite extraordinary young man has crossed paths with the living and the dead, the innocent and the evil. Now at last for Odd Thomas, the wandering is over.
Drawn back to where it all began, to his beloved Pico Mundo, the dauntless fry cook seeks to fulfill the promise that has steered his quest since the devastating loss of his soul mate: "You are destined to be together forever."
But he hasn't come back to the small California town alone. A murderous, chaos-worshipping cult has a deadly score to settle with the unlikely hero and an apocalyptic fate to unleash upon the world. For Odd Thomas, born to serve a purpose far greater than himself, one last challenge - vast and dreadful - must be met before he can find whatever fate awaits him.
Drawn back to where it all began, to his beloved Pico Mundo, the dauntless fry cook seeks to fulfill the promise that has steered his quest since the devastating loss of his soul mate: "You are destined to be together forever."
But he hasn't come back to the small California town alone. A murderous, chaos-worshipping cult has a deadly score to settle with the unlikely hero and an apocalyptic fate to unleash upon the world. For Odd Thomas, born to serve a purpose far greater than himself, one last challenge - vast and dreadful - must be met before he can find whatever fate awaits him.