One Epic Night

One Epic Night

37 pages
Published: 1 Oct 2016

This edition

Format: Ebook

Language: English

Publication date: 14 October 2016

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Trevor Cross had been my best friend for the better part of the last three years. He was also the most unique and unpredictable person I knew. Being around him often felt like trying to circumnavigate a minefield, and yet, I wouldn’t change him for the world. He was addictive, destructive, frustrating, fascinating. Too full of energy to ever pin down. Our friendship had been on a steady path until one wild and epic night that changed everything. He convinced me to throw caution to the wind, to stay out until the break of dawn and embrace new experiences. I never expected where the night would end, nor how it would alter our relationship for good.

One Epic Night is a prequel story to the final Hearts novel, Hearts on Air. In order to receive it for free via email, simply sign up for L.H. Cosway's newsletter.