She didn’t hesitate to open the door and step through it, just as she had thousands of times before.
Only, this time, something unexpected happened.
Something different.
Something very, very strange.
Journey back to the world of Medora to follow Alexandra Jennings and her friends—and enemies—for one last adventure.
Spanning four years after the final book in Lynette Noni's #1 bestselling series The Medoran Chronicles, this is an epilogue like no other, full of laughter, tears, and above all, the unending power of friendship.
Only, this time, something unexpected happened.
Something different.
Something very, very strange.
Journey back to the world of Medora to follow Alexandra Jennings and her friends—and enemies—for one last adventure.
Spanning four years after the final book in Lynette Noni's #1 bestselling series The Medoran Chronicles, this is an epilogue like no other, full of laughter, tears, and above all, the unending power of friendship.