Chiyo's father's company is being targeted, and she considers her options.
Should she help him?
The only problem? There is a dark enemy on the other side who wants her dad's company and wouldn't mind taking a bite out of Kaiden, either.
Chief is more integrated than he was before and far more fragile due to his neural link with Kaiden.
Kaiden and Chiyo been provided a job opportunity, but they will need extra support.
Will they be able to call on their friends, or will they need to hire contractors?
Will Chiyo's efforts help or hurt her dad?
Those at the Ark Academy are training to be the best, but what happens when they have to go up against trained mercenaries who have more experience?—
You don't become the best of the best by staying alive. In the Animus, you are closer to perfection with each death you suffer.
Kaiden Jericho would rather skip the death part, thank you very much.
Join Kaiden as he learns about Nexus, the Animus, and the opportunities that one fight brought him. Never has helping someone benefitted him so much.
The future is looking bright, except for the pain.