

286 pages
Published: 1 Jan 1997

This edition

ISBN: 9780751526332

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Publisher: Warner Books

Publication date: 1 January 1999

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Whoopi Goldberg speaks. . . 'Here's where I'm supposed to say all kinds of hip, Whoopi-esque stuff to get you to buy the book. . . So this is when we seal the deal, when I tell you in my own inimitable way, how uproarious and provocative this book is, how OUT THERE, and cutting edge, and whatever else I can think of to throw into the mix. Or, I could say things like, 'Not since War and Peace. . . ' or 'Move over Alice Walker. . . ' Well come on now, if a book were all those things it would be a novel, and I wouldn't resort to such low tactics. . . So I'll give it you straight. '

As befits the sassy, original entertainer, this is no ordinary autobiography filled with the boring details. Instead, Whoopi delivers twenty-five monologues with titles such as Fate, Trust, Home, Self, Cost, Race, Choice, Dick, Death and Dream. Under the chapter 'Wind' she reveals: 'A lot of people don't know this about me. . . but that's how I got my name, from my frequent farting. When I was in my 20s and diagnosed with ulcers, I was encouraged to fart up a storm, and my friends started calling me Whoopi. I was like a walking whoopee cushion, they said. It was an easy tag and the name stuck.