A Trick of the Light

A Trick of the Light

194 pages
Published: 5 Aug 2011

This edition

ISBN: 1477861319

Format: Ebook

Language: English

Publisher: Montlake Romance

Publication date: 16 October 2012

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Angels would have trouble getting along with Micah Burnet, and Tempest Lavalle's halo is twisted plumb out of shape by the time she gets to the plantation where her two married sisters are living. Micah was the handsomest of the three outlaws who escorted her and her sisters from San Antonio to Louisiana but he also has the biggest ego. Add that to Tempie's fiery temper, and the two could burn down the whole western half of Mississippi.
Micah isn't happy about Tempie coming to the plantation, but it's a big place and he can stay out of her way. . . right? Wrong! He and Tempie are drawn together the minute he shares a deathbed confession with her. He knows that little apparition appearing over her head when she's being nice is darn sure not a halo but just a trick of the light, so why does fate keep throwing them together?