The Traitor's Revenge

The Traitor's Revenge

200 pages
Published: 8 Dec 2016

This edition

Format: Ebook

Language: English

Publisher: MRC Publishing

Publication date: 8 December 2016

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There is a conspiracy crawling over the country…Wallis Jones is back! When operatives move into the suburbs surrounding her normal life, using secrets against her family to stay in control, Wallis Jones struggles to survive in this new and dangerous secret political world she has been sucked into. Fighting to understand the part she must play, Wallis is determined to keep some sense of normalcy, even if it means keeping her secrets from her friends when she realizes knowledge of the far-reaching conspiracy could cost them their very existence. Dragged into the war against her will, and with some hard realizations about her family along the way, Wallis has only one goal; save her family… before her luck runs out. The Butterfly Project could be the answer to it all or it could damn everyone she loves. Can Wallis come to terms with fighting a battle she didn’t get to choose but by her birthright can’t walk away from? Can she forgive and realize she needs an ally or two? Or will her struggle to cope with the chaos of her new life destroy her family from the inside out?Don’t miss The Traitor’s Revenge, the second installment of Martha Carr’s fast-paced new take on an old conspiracy The Wallis Jones Series! If you are a fan of authors like John Gardner, Frederick Forsyth, Nelson DeMille or Clive Cussler then you’ll love The Traitor’s Revenge!