Lightning Sealed
Published: 1 Feb 2016
"No matter what his words conveyed, Theo would leave me soon. It was just a matter of time."The Fray is calling Theo. Every day, the voices get louder. Every minute, he gets pulled closer. Every second, their love is tested. Their life is a constant question of who they can trust and who they can't.Sanctum, Theo's brother and enemy, stalks them like a predator, waiting for his chance to pounce.Theo will leave Colby soon to do what he, as the Eidolon, was born to do. He can't deny the yearning in his heart to go, but he can't find it in his heart to leave.Colby will be left with a decision. She can wither like the mates of Eidolon before her or she can go after the Synod, the women who murdered her grandmother, while Theo is gone.With Theo missing and Colby desperate, Sanctum is only too eager to fill in…Lighting Sealed is Book Two in the Lucent Series.