The Deep Blue Crush book cover

The Deep Blue Crush

Pages: 220
Published: 15 Sep 2017
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Forest fires, deep-sea diving, exploding buildings, and a crazy government operative. No refunds on this tropical vacation. "I never thought I would die by fire. It’s strange, the things that go through your mind, when a massive wall of flame is coming toward you, faster than most people can run. The little girl I was carrying wasn’t so philosophical about it, she was just terrified. I could hear her father crashing through the brush beside me, and I knew he was just as burdened carrying the small boy who was the girl’s sister. It didn’t look like it was going to be a good day for any of us." From fire to water, tracker Mac Crow and his bounty hunting friends are searching for a swindler who specializes in stealing seniors' retirement savings. The search leads to the beautiful Hawaiian islands--but it's anything but a vacation. Before they are done, they'll wish they had bought the travel insurance. Thriller action adventure.