Published: 30 Aug 2014
The Hidden Highlands, a world in which the Fae dwell, unhindered by the rules of Man. Deep in the heart of the Kingdom lies Heartfire Castle, the royal seat of the immortal Highlanders. For man, it remains hidden. For the Fae, it means safety. For Ailill, it simply means Home.The second book in the Heartfire Series, Heartfire is the continuing story of Ailill and the men who are destined to rule the Kingdom at her side. She has chosen her path and though her heart is now happily divided, there are still many obstacles on the road to her own fate. With help from her well-meaning Guardians, the Lost Princes are at last returned to the Realm, to the life that they were meant to live. At least temporarily. But there is war on the horizon and treachery lies deep within. One final task is left for her, a true test of morals for the Fae Princess. Failure means forfeiture- of all that she has, of everyone that she loves, of the very essence of her being.