No Ordinary Villain book cover

No Ordinary Villain

Published: 26 Jan 2015
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When fifteen-year-old Stealth learns that her mother Vlayne, leader of the ShadowBlades, is once again plotting to kill off the human race, she wants to do everything in her power to stop her. But that’s not easy when Vlayne’s controlling her mind and monitoring her every thought. She has no choice but to make a deal with the person she trusts the least, who helps her escape. With Vlayne and the ShadowBlades after her, Stealth races to the Keepers of Justice to help figure out a way to put an end to Vlayne’s plan. After searching for answers, they’re left with a solution, one that may risk the life of one of their own. Time is running out, and Stealth and the Keepers are faced with their greatest challenge yet...