Time Expired
304 pages
|Published: 1 Jan 1993
It was part street theater, part civil disobedience, and pure Someone was waging guerrilla warfare on the city's meter maids and their beloved parking meters. But when the prankster took detective Jill Smith and her colleagues on a wild chase into a deep, overgrown ravine, the game led to murder. The dead woman was Madeleine Riordan. A firebrand attorney who was not above an act of civil disobedience herself, Madeleine spent her last days in a nursing home that was perched on the edge of a ravine. Praying into the extraordinary life and times of Madeleine Riordan, Jill discovered a strange connection between the meter capers and the frail, cancer stricken woman who had once been an unyielding defender of individual liberties. And then Jill found something a crime Madelene had witnessed, and died trying to stop. . .