An Independent Miss

An Independent Miss

335 pages
Published: 31 Jan 2015

This edition

Format: Ebook

Language: English

Publisher: Winterbourne Farm Publishing

Publication date: 31 January 2015

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What’s love to do with anything? …. Immersed in her herbal laboratory, Lady Felicity secretly yearns for a dashing, romantic love straight from a gothic novel. So when her brother’s houseguest, Lord Andover, presses her hands to his chest, and proposes, she is too stunned to take in his words of undying love. Words he surely spoke. Didn’t he? Oh, drat, she should have listened. Victims of misguided and inept medical men, Lord Andover’s father and brothers are in their graves, his mother lost to the apothecary’s opium. Desperate to save his mother, give her a will to live, he sets three goals: marry a sweet, soothing young lady, produce an heir and free them of apothecaries and quacks. In return he offers all he that he is, all that he owns, except his beleaguered heart. … Title, wealth, and good name are all a man need offer.

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