Calling Down the Wind: Air Elemental
Published: 22 Aug 2008
Rue Pontaglia’s first lesson about wish fulfillment comes as she unexpectedly releases the wind to take away her brutal stepfather. But Bif Jones’ ghost lingers, awakening Rue to the wonders—and drawbacks—that accompany her newfound talents. Fathered by a Catholic priest and burdened with a mother who trades her beauty and self-respect for non-existent security, Rue must rely on her long-lost grandmother—and a surprising family legacy.Rue takes this journey with a unique circle of friends and foes: Wild boy, Cheater, whose mother left him with his alcoholic father, and glorious African-Americans, Zahra and her mother, themselves no strangers to inherited witchery. Skinhead thugs, otherworldly transients and Rue’s coyote dog complete the mix.Set in breathtaking Angel Valley, Nevada, CALLING DOWN THE WIND offers the ultimate coming-of-age story with a heroine both as unpredictable as the zephyr she calls and as real as her extraordinary gifts.