The Iron Lieutenant
Published: 31 May 2018
A combat modified space fleet admiral; a failed knight turned cavalry officer; theirs is no fairy tale romance and in a universe at war, she's going to have to wade through blood to win their happily ever after.Two weeks ago, Lt. Megarheri Saverna was an unassuming officer and master horse trainer in an antiquated, mostly ceremonial, dirt-side military service. Then she was assigned as batwoman to Space Fleet's most notorious half-Recessive Admiral. All she had to do was keep him alive and well.It seemed like a simple enough mission. After all, how much trouble can a combat modified admiral get into on his own flagship surrounded by an armed to the gills space fleet flotilla? Then she met the Admiral.Plans, as they say, seldom survive first contact with the enemy.Particularly not with an enemy who loves trouble as much as Sen Kosuri does.Definitely not with an enemy who makes love in showers as well as Sen Kosuri does. Now she's the brig of an Imperial Class, Space Fleet Hunter Ship. (In her pajamas.)Her former battle school mate, now Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Forces, thinks she's a spy at best and an absolute lunatic at worst.She's on Space Fleet's 'Shit List'. (Beheading that pirate assassin on the bridge of Kosuri's flagship was apparently against a space fleet regulation or two.) Kosuri, the man she was assigned to keep alive and well, is now her mate and in sickbay recovering from a botched assassination attempt that she failed to prevent; his career in tatters. On top of it all, mating with a half-Recessive man, apparently involves a lot more than an exchange of vows and cohabitation, and Kosuri is now in rut; a period of time in which he is both dependent upon his mate's body to biochemically regulate his own body and at the mercy of a severely intensified sex drive. (Seriously bad timing.)Oh yeah, and there's a sector full of pirates and squabbling planetary governments to wrangle.So, happily ever after?If Megarheri Saverna wants any of that, she's going to have to make it happen on the end of a sword. WHAT TO EXPECT:-hot, steamy love scenes-spine-tingling romance-rollicking, page-turning action-a sexy, severely disabled hero who gives as good as he gets-a strong, heroine who takes no shit from anyoneAre you a fan of science fiction, paranormal or fantasy romance? Do you like complex characters and steamy romantic plots served with plenty of swashbuckling action? Then The Iron Lieutenant is for you!--> Grab your copy of The Iron Lieutenant and escape into a universe of fantastic adventures, romance and sex.Note: The Iron Lieutenant is the second book in The Glass Admiral Series