A Pinch of Sugar

A Pinch of Sugar

67 pages
Published: 30 Jan 2020

This edition

Format: Ebook

Language: English

Publication date: 30 January 2020

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When Alice woke up this morning, she never expected to end up in a reality television competition where the contestants are terrible bakers. She’s been ambushed and now she’s expected to make a cake that actually tastes good? While the cameras roll? Just when Alice thinks the situation couldn’t get any worse, the man she’s always loved from afar, British celebrity baker Sebastian Cove, is introduced as one of the judges. Sebastian has a reputation for being ruthless when judging desserts, but his glacial blue eyes soften the moment they land on sweet, flustered Alice. He wants a lot more than a pinch of her sugar and he’ll move heaven and earth to get it…