Unfinished Business book cover

Unfinished Business

417 pages
Published: 24 Jan 2013
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“It SIZZLES! An erotic, neurotic, sensual vision. Stunning. Blown away to the point of speechless, shocking, vivid, bloody well written!"But be warned, if you see him run, fast! A provocative, at times laugh-out-loud, fast-paced, thriller. Grab a glass of wine, close the bedroom door, and read alone! CAUTION Adult language, sex, violence, triggers. Having worked in the worlds of sport, music, celebrity management, child charity, and crime (CID Crime Investigator, Major Crime Team Intel Analyst, Wanted & Absconder Unit), Cunningham creates psychological thrillers with a skilled mix of fuelled tension, dark humor, and pulsating passion, offering a fresh level of sincerity and authority, rare in fiction - sccunningham[dot]comCAUSES Veterans Justice MH Child, Animal, and Planet, Protection The Penance ListUnfinished BusinessFor My Sins N.B Due to the popularity of David's character, he has also joined the cast of The Fallen Angel Series by S C Cunningham

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