China Girl book cover

China Girl

404 pages
Published: 8 Dec 2019
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New Thriller Asks “What If?” in Explosive Read NEVER AGAIN. A fascist administration rounds up undesirables. Terrorist groups strike governmental and religious targets. The Constitution is under assault. Erec Stebbins’s China Girl is a controversial look at an America that is all too close to reality, radioactive in its timely examination of extremism in the nation. Imagine an America where Donald Trump was competent and disciplined. Where the Democratic Party succumbed to internal divisions and badly lost the 2018 House elections. Where the most extreme policies of the Far Right were implemented with little opposition across the nation. Mix in the extreme action and unusual plots for which author Erec Stebbins is known. This is the dystopian world of China Girl. It’s a contemporary thriller that asks a controversial "what if?" The plot immerses a diverse and unusual cast of characters into a nightmarish scenario. When the government goes rogue and commits atrocities, who is the terrorist and who the hero?China Girl is a political techno-thriller with international and crime elements, very topical to current events, touching on biotechnology, anti-democratic movements, and the rights of marginalized groups (especially immigrants) in Western societies. It picks up four years after the election of white nationalist and demagogue Daniel Suite. Deep State operatives and domestic terrorists battle to thwart an increasingly genocidal regime hell-bent on “white-washing” America through ethnic cleansing by any means necessary.