

347 pages
Published: 1 Jan 2014

This edition

Format: Ebook

Language: English

Publisher: S.K. Munt

Publication date: 27 January 2014

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This is an alternate cover edition for B00I32JVI4 In a time when women were considered possessions, a girl was born with the conviction that she belonged only to herself-a conviction that would cost her everything she valued in the name of progress, but elevated her to a status unequalled by any man before then or since; Guardian of the ocean, and mistress of the moon. A coming of age story beginning in 1044 B.C and spanning centuries- See how fifteen year old Anna L'Autienne, a french peasant and apprentice apothecary, took the vulnerabilities plaguing the women of her time and wielded them as weapons against everyone who tried to possess or suppress her. The untold story behind the mermaid myth and the origin of feminine wiles are one and the same, born in the name of vengeance but kept alive in the spirit of love and concealed under the surface of the ocean to this very day. Nothing was the same after the first siren sang.