Last True World book cover

Last True World

Pages: 335
Published: 4 Dec 2012
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Alternate Cover Edition for B00AID6BLG.The third book in the Dica Series, Last True World, continues some thirty years after Of Weft and Weave concluded, when Lord Nephril’s decision at the Farewell Gap to leave Leiyatel to waste away has brought hard times to the realm. Nephril’s belief in the mysterious ancient poem, the Aoide tar Degan, may have convinced him that Dica should be returned to Nature’s balance, and with it a welcome end to his immortality, but there are those who firmly believe he was wrong.A way to return a vigorous Leiyatel, and so save the realm, comes to light, but it requires her remains to seed her replacement, something only one man can set in motion – Nephril himself. Can he be persuaded? Against his firm belief that Leiyatel has become a monster, and with the prospect this would bring of his continued immortality, can he be brought to deny Nature’s right to repossess the once mighty Realm of Dica?What unfolds is a series of revelations, not just about how the realm and its idiosyncratic characters have reached where they are, but a frightening realisation of what the castle realm and its mountain location really are, and their place in a far greater purpose.