Cemetery Hill
Published: 2 Mar 2014
After a raging, intense battle with a large contingent of the Black Knight's minions, Edward and the remaining members of his group take shelter in an abandoned inn to lick their wounds. Formulating a plan to chase after the demonic creatures in order to eradicate the threat of a reoccurrence, Brian and Katie head off, leaving their werewolf companion to keep watch over their leader as he attempts to heal. Following the trail of the railroad tracks, they discover more than they were bargaining for; the retreating demons spring an ambush on the unsuspecting duo as they ascend toward the pinnacle of the mountain. Surviving the surprise attack and, for the time being, eliminating the immediate threat, Brian and Katie continue to climb. As they reach the termination point of the railroad tracks, they find themselves staring at the gaping entrance to a cave. Determination fueling them, they step through the opening, making sure there aren't more of the tiny demons regrouping inside. As they enter, a blood red veil of light falling over their vision. The expansive chamber is adorned with row upon row of enormous, wooden crosses, some of which have nude prisoners shackled to them. Could this be the place Julie had referred to as Cemetery Hill? If so, what were the odds of her still being alive? Would Katie find her best friend in this chamber of horror, or was she too late?