23 Ways to Mess Up Valentine's Day
89 pages
|Published: 1 Nov 2005
Of all the great holidays kids have to celebrate, you'd think at least Valentine's Day should be Willie-proof. You give some cards, you get some cards - what could be simpler, right? Wrong!! I, Willimena Thomas, managed to find a way to mess up even Valentine's Day - twenty-three ways, in fact.See, the whole valentine thing always makes me worry. Every year I think, What if no one sends me a card? What if I'm the only one sitting at our class party with NO CARDS AT ALL on my desk? So this yeah, with a little help from my sister, Tina, I thought I had that roblem solved. Boy was I wrong!At least I wasn't alone. You see, there was a new boy in our class who got Valentine's Day all wrong too....