THE HEREFORDSHIRE HANGMEN: A captivating Victorian historical murder mystery
AN EVOCATIVE VICTORIAN DETECTIVE STORY FULL OF CLEVER TWISTSPlease note this is a revised and updated editionOctober 1891.A stranger is discovered hanging from a tree in the Malvern Hills.Detective Inspector Ravenscroft and Constable Crabb are called in to investigate. But how can they solve the murder if no one can identify the victim?Whoever killed the man must have really wanted him dead — they strung him up and watched as he suffocated.This may be the most dangerous case Ravenscroft has ever worked. Will the Herefordshire Hangmen ever be brought to justice?CAN RAVENSCROFT FIND THE ANSWERS AND KEEP HIS OWN FAMILY SAFE?Perfect for fans of M.R.C. Kasasian, E.S. Thomson, Oscar de Muriel or Karen Charlton.MEET THE DETECTIVEInspector Samuel Ravenscroft, unmarried and over forty, is a detective in the Whitechapel branch of the Metropolitan Police. Painfully asthmatic, he is overlooked by his superiors in favour of his pushier colleagues. But Ravenscroft wants to prove himself and strives to overcome his physical limitations. His tools are forthright questioning, close examination of the evidence and personal intuition. He often finds that the solutions to crimes are buried deep in the past.With his trusty Bradshaw, Ravenscroft and his colleague Constable Tom Crabb, travel around the Three Counties, overlooked by the Malvern Hills, bringing criminals to justice.KERRY TOMBS was born near Birmingham, but grew up in various locations in north Worcestershire. After a career teaching in both England and Australia, he moved to Malvern in 1982, where he became a local genealogist, lecturer and bookseller.INSPECTOR RAVENSCROFT DETECTIVE MYSTERIES SERIESBook 1: THE MALVERN MURDERSBook 2: THE WORCESTER WHISPERERSBook 3: THE LEDBURY LAMPLIGHTERSBook 4: THE TEWKESBURY TOMBBook 5: THE DROITWICH DECEIVERSBook 6: THE PERSHORE POISONERSBook 7: THE UPTON UNDERTAKERSBook 8: THE HEREFORDSHIRE HANGMENBook 9: THE BROMSGROVE BOOKSELLERMORE COMING SOON!