Armed and Magical book cover

Armed and Magical

294 pages
Published: 29 Apr 2008

This edition

Format: Ebook

Language: English

Publisher: NLA Digital LLC

Publication date: 30 August 2015

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Name: Raine Benares Race: Elf Past job: Seeker, a finder of missing people and lost objects. Current Job: Protector of soul stone from hell, The Saghred Present problem: Found a stone of cataclysmic power. Would much prefer if it stayed lost. Finders Keepers is not what I had in mind. The Saghred bestows unimaginable powers and a sick, twisted finder’s fee: once you’re a bonded to it, there’s no choice but to keep it. My magical skill level used to be marginal. Now I don’t know what my limits are—or even if I have any limits. The goblins consider the Saghred theirs and yours truly a thief. And given my family’s reputation, who can blame them? The only people who can help me are on the Isle of Mid—home to the College of Sorcery and the Conclave of Sorcerers, the ruling body for all magic users, who just so happen to want the stone as well. When the college’s top student spellsingers are kidnapped, I feel honor-bound to help find them. An enemy from my past wants the spellsingers, the mages and goblins want the Saghred, and the Saghred wants me. As long as I have it, I’m going to be one popular girl.