The Tanner Case
111 pages
|Published: 13 Mar 2020
This edition
Format: Ebook
Publication date: 13 March 2020
Visiting special event venues sounds as if it could be interesting, especially when Janet Markham discovers that there will be cake samples. What neither Markham sister is expecting is a nasty message spray-painted across the front door of the first place they visit. A second venue and a second lot of graffiti has the sisters ringing their friend, police constable Robert Parsons. He knows enough about the various business owners to understand why no one wants the police involved, though. The three local wedding venues are owned by an odd combination of former spouses and former partners, and everyone is quick to blame someone else in the group for the current difficulties. Can Janet and Joan work out who is behind the graffiti that seems to be appearing everywhere? Will Robert be able to investigate when the graffiti is being painted over almost immediately? And will the sisters find the perfect venue for an upcoming big day?