The Viking Deception
307 pages
|Published: 28 Nov 2018
CENTURIES AGO, THE VIKINGS AND THE ISLAMIC CALIPHATE NEARLY WENT TO WAR. AND TODAY, MORE INNOCENT BLOOD WILL SPILL. In 989 AD, when informed of her impending arranged marriage, Fatima takes drastic action with her forbidden lover, Viking Prince Magnus, actions that not only have immediate consequences for her entire family, but reverberate a millennia later. When Archaeology Professor James Acton receives an invitation from a friend to visit a new dig site where an unusual artifact has been discovered linking the Vikings to the Islamic Caliphate, he and his wife eagerly accept. But upon arriving in Stockholm, Sweden, their friend is nowhere to be found, last seen entering the Saudi embassy and not heard from since. Before they can notify the authorities, Acton receives a disturbing phone call, and is forced into action to save his friend. Becoming a criminal in the process.