The Seal King Murders: The evocative Victorian Scottish whodunnit

The Seal King Murders: The evocative Victorian Scottish whodunnit

265 pages
Published: 15 May 2011

This edition

Format: Ebook

Language: English

Publisher: Allison & Bus

Publication date: 26 March 2012

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1861. Constable Faro is heading home to Orkney, pursuing a private investigation into the mysterious drowning of an ex-colleague's relative, champion swimmer Dave Claydon. Was this an accident or does Claydon s death have a sinister connection with missing artifacts recovered from the Armada galleon sunk off Spanish Cove?At Scarthbreck his mother is determined to find him a wife and this Lammastide the legend of the seal king's annual claim of a human bride becomes reality. Faro's holiday and his original secret mission turn into a nightmare. With himself as the prime suspect in the girl's disappearance, he is in deadly danger, his life threatened by circumstances beyond his control.Fans of historical mysteries will find much to like in Knight's old-favorite Faro.