Mission Inadvisable
176 pages
|Published: 17 Mar 2017
Part-time heroes. Full-time outlaws.Carl Ramsey has done the he turned down a lucrative job. When the deed is too despicable even for outlaws like the Mobius crew, someone nasty had to be behind it. Carl and his friends decide to hunt down their potential employer and turn him over to the authorities. But as amateur vigilantes, they mire themselves in a moral quagmire of conflicts of interest.With victory (and a tidy payday) in their sights, can they live with the awful truth they uncover? Carl will have to decide if being one of the good guys means letting a friend pay for their crimes.Mission Inadvisable is the thirteenth mission of Black Galaxy Outlaws , a science fantasy series set in the 26th century. Do you wish there had been a second season of Firefly ? Do you love the irreverent fun of Guardians of the Galaxy ? Have you ever wondered how Star Wars would have turned out if Luke and Obi-wan had ditched the rebellion to become smugglers with Han and Chewie? Then Black Galaxy Outlaws is the series for you!Pick up your copy of Mission Inadvisable, and aim to misbehave with the crew of the Mobius.