Lord in Waiting book cover

Lord in Waiting

Pages: 464
Published: 1 Jan 1994
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In 1460, when clan feuds were rife, and the threat of English invasionwas ever-present, James III, one of Scotland's weakest monarchs, came tothe throne.Before long, John, Lord of Douglas, a born leader and a man ofconscience and vision, found himself wishing that James' wise andstrong-minded sister Princess Mary had succeeded in her brother's place.A fact compounded by the feeble king's habit of ignoring high-bornnobles, and succumbing instead to the influence of the astrologer andalchemist William Sheves, Archdeacon of St Andrews, one of the cleverestand most unscrupulous individuals in Scotland's history.Continuing the story of Princess Mary Stewart that began in P rice of aPrincess , Lord in Waiting is a gripping tale of 15th century Scotland byNigel Tranter, master of Scottish historical fiction.