371 pages
|Published: 14 Mar 2015
The Cacas have been kicked out of the Empire and Republic, but New Moscow is still at risk.Less than a billion of the original fifty billion population are left, and they are being turned into rations for the Conquerors.Sean and the Alliance Fleet have ejected the Ca'cadasans from the territory of the New Terran Empire and the New Terran Republic. But the deadly aliens remain in the space of the Kingdom of New Moscow. Centuries before the people of the Czar emigrated from Republic space, setting themselves up hundreds of light years from the borders of the two larger polities. They have paid for that mistake, the Cacas rolling over them and almost obliterating their population. Now the large aliens are processing the survivors of New Moscow to feed their own forces, a genocide such as this sector of the Galaxy has never before seen.Sean has ordered that the people of New Moscow will not go into the night. A plan has been formulated to take the planets where the prisoners are housed away from the Cacas and rescue the civilians. Plans are great, but only the Soldiers, Marines and Spacers of the Alliance can make the plan a reality. Soldiers like Samuel Baggett and Cornelius Walborski, Spacers like Bryce Suttler and Len Lenkowski. Men and women willing to put their lives on the line to save the innocent. Will their courage be enough to stop the genocide of the people of New Moscow.