268 pages
|Published: 8 Oct 1985
THE POWER IN HER MIND brought young Morika at last to the great Maksche Cloister, where her already precocious silth witch-like powers could be honed to an awesome mental weapon.To the tradermales fell the skills ot science and technology, while the female silth dominated the world with their mastery of the black arts. In the uneasy tradermale-silth truce, there could be no trust or friendship between the two races.But proud, stubborn Marika was born to break all rulesù maybe even to be her worldÆs destruction. One tradermaIe was her friend already. And another, closer to her heart than any living being, held a power strong enough to challenge silth domination. Marika had a choice to make, a vow to keep, and a battle to fight with the one they called...