247 pages
|Published: 8 Jul 2013
This edition
ISBN: 9781546857815
Language: English
Seventeen-year-old Serissa Moore is completely unaware of how amazing she is, which will keep her grounded when she is discovered for her mesmerizing singing voice by the boy in the band she thought she’d never see again. Torn between a shot at fame and a regular life she is persuaded by the boy in the band, Gabe, to seek her full potential as a singer. Only Kyle, her boyfriend, will do anything to groom her for the spotlight himself. It doesn’t take long for Serissa to see that the battle between the boys isn’t just about her shot at fame, but for her abilities. Over one summer she will learn humans aren’t alone in the universe and she has a mission that can save the world if she can just get over her stage fright and discover what she is capable of.Meeting the boy in the band has never been stranger.