Does This Volvo Make My Butt Look Big?
Pages: 199
|Published: 6 Dec 2016
In a perfect world, mothers would unionize. The next best thing — they’d treat themselves to a break and read this book. Does This Volvo Make My Butt Look Big? is an honest and hilarious peek behind the curtain into the messy, wonderful moments of family life. And not the lightly staged and heavily filtered ones you see on Instagram.Columnist Annabel Monaghan writes with enough empathy to cut through the hushed gossip of the playground and enough humor to disarm a toddler with a sugar habit. Undoubtedly, her words are the ones you need when you send your oldest child to college. Written with crisp prose that diffuses the illusion of the perfect mom, Annabel will remind you that when we peer over the tall fences that divide families, much of our experiences are shared. If you’ve ever lied your way through a parent-teacher conference or marveled at the cluelessness of teenagers, this book is for you. If you’ve ever quietly rooted against your own child when he was trying to win a goldfish, you’ll certainly find your truth here.