Girls' Night Out book cover

Girls' Night Out

61 pages
Published: 24 Jul 2012
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Dana is finally getting comfortable with her life as the onlyFaeriewalker in Avalon. She’s formed an alliance with the Erlking, atruce with the Queen of the Seelie Court, and best of all, no one’stried to kill her for weeks.Enter Althea - the teenage daughter of Mab, the Unseelie Queen. Danaknows from the moment she sets eyes on the wannabe Goth chick that Alis trouble, but she finds herself drawn to the wounded soul sheglimpses beneath the Faerie glamour.When Al asks Dana to take her into the mortal world to visit the humanboyfriend her mother has driven away, Dana refuses, knowing that QueenMab would hold her personally responsible if anything happened to herdaughter. But Al is a Faerie princess, and she’s not used to taking nofor an answer.Will Dana ignore her common sense and risk the Unseelie Queen’s wrathto help her new BFF? And if not, just how far is Al willing to go toget her own way?