Odd Girl Out

Odd Girl Out

381 pages
Published: 11 Nov 2008

This edition

ISBN: 9780765317339

Format: Hardcover

Language: English

Publisher: Tom Doherty

Publication date: 11 November 2008

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Former government agent Frank Compton can't catch a break. After a successful mission against the Modhri, the coral polyp-based group mind that is attempting to take over the galaxy, Frank arrives at his New York apartment and has to turn away another request. Young Lorelai Beach points his gun at his face, and asks his help to rescue her sister Rebekah 10 from New Tigris planetary settlement. Only four hours later, her head is half-blown off, and Frank is charged with double murder.Expert spy Bruce McMicking posts his bail and meets him in New Tigris. Frank's partner and friend Bayta is human, but her Chahwyn symbiote donates extra stamina, activates sole artifact disabling kwi weapon and links telepathically to their metal Spider creations that run interspace Tube transit and, unable to fight themselves, secretly help fight against Mohdri. Rebekah has to get out - along with boxes of coral - and reach the hidden outpost of rebel Melding to safety.