Helping People Win at Work: A Business Philosophy called ''Don't Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A'' book cover

Helping People Win at Work: A Business Philosophy called ''Don't Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A''

192 pages
Published: 8 May 2009
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  Ridge introduces WD-40 Company’s year-round performance review system, explaining its goals, features, and the cultural changes it requires. Next, he shares his leadership point of view: what he expects of people, what they can expect of him, and where his beliefs about leadership and motivation come from. Finally, Blanchard explains why WD-40 Company’s Partnering for Performance system works so well--and how to leverage its high-value techniques in your organization. In this book, you’ll learn how to:   ·         Stop building failure into your mentoring of employees ·         Set goals using the SMART approach: specific, motivational, attainable, relevant and trackable ·         Help people move through all four stages of mastery ·         Create a culture that shares knowledge and encourages nonstop learning     When I was a college professor, I always gave my students the final exam at the beginning of the course and spent the rest of the semester helping them answer the questions so that they could get an A. Life is all about getting As, not some stupid normal distribution curve. Garry Ridge got this, and wow! What a difference it has made in WD-40Company’s performance.”   “When I first heard Ken talk about giving his final exam at the beginning of the course and then teaching students the answers so they could get an A, it blew me away. Why don’t we do that in business? So that’s exactly what I did at WD-40 Company when we set up our ‘Don’t Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A’ performance management system. Has it made a difference? You’d better believe it. Ever since we began the system, our company’s annual sales have more than tripled, from $100 million to more than $339 million. And we’ve accomplished this feat while making the company a great place to work.”