Holy Bible: 1599 Geneva Bible
1366 pages
|Published: 1 Jan 1599
In a very real sense, we as Americans owe much of our rich spiritual heritage to the Geneva Bible—the Scriptures carried by the Pilgrims and great reformers. Nearly forgotton today, this version of the Holy Scriptures—first translated into English in 1560—created the conditions for a Christian reformation of life and culture the likes of which the world had never seen. The Geneva Bible is the Bible of "firsts." It was the first Bible to qualify as a study Bible, providing readers with copious notes, cross-references, and commentary about the original manuscripts. It was the first Bible to be printed in a portable and affordable edition. And it was the first Bible to assign chapter and verse numbers, facilitating the location of passages, memorization, and recitation—and the nurture of a nation of Bible readers. We're pleased to announce the re-release of the Geneva Bible in a superior quality genuine leather binding edition that features word-for-word accuracy with the 1599 Geneva Bible; original cross references; original study notes by Reformers; genuine leather; modern spelling; and easy to read print.