Clan Ground

Clan Ground

301 pages
Published: 1 Jan 1984

This edition

ISBN: 9780974560373

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Publisher: Imaginator Press

Publication date: 4 May 2010

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When Ratha admits an Un-Named stranger to the clan, he brings a change as great as Ratha's taming of fire. Does the orange-eyed newcomer understand the power of Ratha's fire-creature-and the hearts of her people-better than she does? Worship and control of fire may strengthen the Named and expand their domain, yet subjugation to the Red Tongue's tyranny threatens to diminish them. The herding teacher, Thakur, offers a gentler alternative, but dare Ratha try it? Her choice will determine the future of the clan-and her own place in it. Clan Ground is the Second Book of the Named.