Harlot's Sauce: A Memoir of Food, Family, Love, Loss, and Greece
282 pages
When Patricia, "the naive American" meets Gregori, "the gorgeous Greek," her Sicilian-born father takes spectacularly extreme measures to try to stop her from marrying him. This is just one of many wrong reasons why Patricia is all the more determined to do so. She even moves with Gregori to Greece, where he insists he must be in order to be happy. Once there, she discovers that though she might not save her marriage, she just might save herself. With vivid descriptions of life in beautiful, modern-day Greece, this memoir is both a tasty treat and an exhilarating sail on the Hellenic seas through xenophobia, dysfunctional family units, religious ravings, obsessive protocols, political disorder, European football, and fabulous food. As the Italians say, Buon Appetito! (Good Appetite!) As the Greeks say, Kalo Taxidi! (Good Voyage!)