Guardian of Time

Guardian of Time

Published: 27 Oct 2011

This edition

ISBN: 2940013211360

Format: Nook

Language: English

Publisher: Nouveau Publishing

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It’s the near future, and society is government controlled. Technology tracks everyone, personal privacy does not exist, and even food supplies are being monitored. The hope for freedom lies in the operations of an underground organization, GOG, which fights against worldwide oppression. Their most powerful weapon is Ann Torgeson, a paranormally-gifted operative, who unseals The Prophecies with her powers. With the government doggedly pursuing her, she goes underground, fleeing the Pacific Northwest, but not before leaving three murders, one suicide, and an explosion behind her. Will she and her companions survive to change the world after everything twists and turns upside down?The Prophecies series you're reading, or deciding whether you should read, was born just after the author survived a near-crash in a passenger jet. Thankfully, she lived to write this trilogy.Before Linda Hawley became a full-time author, she supported herself as a freelance writer. Her experiences working on diverse projects requiring significant research stretched and refined her composition skills. It also inspired her to become a novelist.You may be surprised to learn that most of the technologies, conditions, and places in her trilogy exist. It's the characters and their actions that are pure fiction. Writing The Prophecies as accurate faction (a literary work that is a mix of fact and fiction) requires significant in-depth research, but the author was aided by her many years in the U.S. intelligence community. Her government service certainly aided the believability of this dystopian trilogy.

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